

Order Types


Allow customers to easily place a pickup order for immediate collection or at a later time within your opening hours

Order Management

Accept Orders Anytime

Customers can place orders which are due immediately or for a later time within your designated opening hours. Set multiple opening and closing times per day

Promos & Coupons

Promotional Codes

Create promo codes for fixed and percent based discounts. Restrict promotions based on a number of different available rules.

Ordering Experience

Order History

Logged in customers can easily view their order history and re-order the same items with ease

Delivery Management

Accurate Delivery Wait Times

Customers are provided with accurate delivery wait times that take into consideration the time it takes to prepare food along with the driving time

Age Restrictions

Built-In Age Verifications

Enable age restriction to allow registered customers to submit their ID for approval by your staff


Responsive & Mobile Friendly

Designed to look great, work smoothly and provide a great ordering experience across all devices such as phones, tablets and desktops

Access Google Font Library

Good fonts help give personality. Easily choose from the 100's of fonts at the Google Font Library


Online Admin Dashboard

Log in to your online admin dashboard to easily manage all your orders, bookings and business information

Easy To Use

Every feature and setting is fully documented and explained alongside the option. This way you can easily understand how everything works as you progress


Multiple Menus With Conditions

Create any number of menus segmented by store locations and a variety of conditions such as order types, dates and times. E.g. create a lunch menu, pickup menu or pre-order only menu

Order History

Logged in customers can easily view their order history and access all their order receipts


Online Payments


Capture online payments from a variety of credit cards directly to your Stripe account

Social Platforms

Facebook Accounts

Allow customers to log in using their Facebook account

Other Services

Open Street Maps

Open street maps is used for map embeds and can be chosen as your maps data provider for delivery data


Automated Order Printing

Automatically print new orders whenever they are placed with a less than 10 second delay